We look after the entire product development process for you, taking an idea and turning it into a reality.

HPS’ Turn-key Solutions offers a single place for everything you need for a successful product launch. This mode of execution is perfectly suited to entrepreneurs looking to enter the healthcare arena, or to established businesses with limited resources to support product development initiatives.

This solution brings smarter options to the table so you can spend less time managing product concept through to launch, and free up time for doing everything else!

Get your compliant and attractive product to market faster.

More time for you.


What to expect, when you’re expecting (a new product, of course!).



The product development process starts with mapping out the path to success.

What is the product you want to create? What problem will it solve for your consumers? Who are your consumers? How much will your consumers be willing to pay for your product? How does this new product sit with your existing product offering? Who are your competitors and how will you differentiate? What are your commercial targets for GP%? Are there any must-have or must-not-have ingredients or compounds?

Being confident in the answers to these questions at the outset will mean that the development process is efficient and strategic, and that the product which you develop hits your commercial, marketing and technical objectives.

In this phase, we build a solid foundation for the product by answering each of these questions, giving you confidence in your path forward.

Product Development

Product Development

Time to get the party started.

To kick off the product development process, we start at the basics; outlining the brief, creating a unique and marketable product profile, and setting realistic launch timelines. We then undertake preliminary research to create a shortlist of ingredients and their doses, work with raw material and packaging suppliers to procure the very best ingredients and packaging available to help us meet your brief, and start short-listing potential contract manufacturers.

Following this, we can then start building your formulation and estimate the cost of the product, as well as completing taste and tolerance trials and market research, if required.

This is where your product really starts to come to life!



Giving you confidence that you are choosing the very best manufacturer for your needs.

During this phase, we send your formulation out to our extensive pre-vetted contract manufacturer network for quote. With our vast experience, we will guide you through choosing the right manufacturer for your needs.

This will give you peace of mind knowing you are not only choosing a manufacturing partner who is competitively priced, but also importantly supports your business’ needs, is easy to work with, and can be relied on to get the job done to your expectations. We look after the pricing negotiations, source new or unique ingredients and/or packaging, and help with your barcode generation.

Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Affairs

Let’s get your house in order.

Without solid regulatory compliance, or at the very least understanding where risks may lie and the level of exposure those risks bring to your business, even the best laid plans can go haywire.

In the case of medicines, it is during this phase that we build the substantiation package needed to support your product claims, review your product and raw material specifications, and build and submit your regulatory listing.

In the case of food products, during this phase we build a product dossier containing all the required technical information including available health claims, and if necessary build the substantiation package required to support any additional self-notified health claims.

Finally, we develop your label copy and provide all the design notes required to brief in your packaging designer. We also review packaging artwork and marketing collateral against the regulatory requirements.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Assuring exceptional quality that every brand marketer and founder aspires to achieve.

During this phase we define the processes and set up agreements, so that there is a solid foundation of quality before manufacturing even begins. This phase encompasses the development of manufacturing agreements, stability protocol, manufacturer audits and standard operating procedures, where required. We also send the stability protocol out to our pre-vetted stability laboratory network for quoting.

Once manufacturing is complete, we evaluate the technical documentation to ensure that the product meets the agreed specifications and attributes.

Marketing + Design <i>(optional)</i>

Marketing + Design (optional)

It’s time to shine.

With your incredible product now developed, it’s time to turn our attention to telling your potential customers about it.

We can look after your packaging artwork, training manuals, sales detailers, brochures and flyers, educational sheets, point of sale, advertisements and can even help with social media content.

This module will make sure that once your product is ready to be sold, it will stand out from the crowd and make the impact that it truly deserves.

Education <i>(optional)</i>

Education (optional)

Elevating your brand as a trusted expert in the field.

The HPS team have a unique way of communicating complex technical information to the lay person, adopting an engaging and interactive presenting style which will land as intended with the audience.

We take care of your training collateral and deliver the training on your behalf, boosting the credibility of your brand and maximising market positioning.

Logistics <i>(optional)</i>

Logistics (optional)

Navigating the global supply chain with ease.

The supply chain is a commonly under-considered factor in the launch of a new brand or product. Your launch plans can unravel quickly with delays, unreliable forecasting, and quite simply, poor planning.

We take care of raw material and packaging procurement on your behalf, shipper and pallet configurations and requirements, 3PL partner tender, negotiation and assignment, stock delivery, and forecasting, creating a seamless supply chain and avoiding challenges along the way.

Post-Launch Care <i>(optional)</i>

Post-Launch Care (optional)

Let the fun continue.

Developing a product is one thing, looking after your cherished product (and investment!) once it meets the big bad world is another.

Our Post-Launch Care, supports your product throughout its lifecycle so that you can continue to focus on your key areas of competence or interest.

We’ll look after your customer care, technical and regulatory support, brand management, content creation, social media, digital marketing, warehousing and fulfilment, stock forecasting, sales and supply negotiations, and retailer pitch, onboarding and management.